Saturday, October 28, 2006

Jesus opens our eyes - OCTOBER 29, 2006

Helen Keller often spoke about tragic “blindness” experienced by many “seeing” people. She wrote, “I have walked into people whose eyes are full of sight but who see nothing in sea or sky, nothing in city streets, nothing in books. It would be far better to sail forever in the night of blindness with sense and feeling and mind than to be content with the mere act of seeing.” This Sunday’s Gospel tells the story of Bartimaeus who comes to sight through the intervention of Jesus. It was Jesus who opens our eyes to the goodness of God that exists in our midst. This Friday we gather for our parish auction. I have seen the spirit of Jesus alive in our parish family. So many people have come forward to offer their time, talent and treasure. May we all see our parish come alive as we gather Friday evening.

Fr. Bob Hawkins, OCTOBER 29, 2006

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