Saturday, October 28, 2006

Celebrate the spirit of Pentecost - JUNE 4, 2006

We celebrate this weekend the outpouring of the spirit. The spirit of Pentecost brings us a multitude of gifts; love, forgiveness, peace, joy, courage, wisdom. Luke describes the Spirit in terms of a driving wind that unified the many languages of the human family.
In his book A Cry for Mercy Henri Nouwen writes this about Pentecost:
“The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to his followers, is the great gift of God. Without the Spirit of Jesus, we can do nothing, but, in and through His Spirit, we can have free, joyful and courageous lives. We cannot pray, but the Spirit of Christ can pray in us. We cannot create peace and joy, but the Spirit of Christ can fill us with a peace and joy which is not of this world. We cannot break through the many barriers which divide races, sexes and nations, but the Spirit of Jesus unites all people in the all-embracing love of God. The Spirit of Christ burns away our many fears and anxieties and sets us free to move wherever we are sent. That is the great liberation of Pentecost.”

In my short time among you I have witnessed many manifestations of the Holy Spirit. People come together to share their time, talent and treasure. Community is created when people give of themselves to others. Last weekend we dedicated the plaque in the garden to Fr. William Jenkinson. We are grateful for the many gifts he shared with St. Luke’s parish. A big thank you to the Ramos family who erected the stone and also to Kathy LaRiviere, Rosemary Silva and Linda Baker who prepared the garden.

Fr. Bob Hawkins, JUNE 4, 2006

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