Saturday, October 28, 2006

Return to God empty-handed - APRIL 1, 2006

One of our Lenten practices is almsgiving. Recently I read an article by Margaret Silf that gave me a new insight into this practice. She once interviewed a South African woman who ran an orphanage for children whose parents had fallen victim to HIV/AIDS. The woman was asked what she wanted to achieve. She responded,

“…When I meet my maker I want to have used up, totally and completely, every gift I have been given. I want to return to God empty-handed, when I have spent all God gave me. Then I’ll be ready to go home...”

So often we think of almsgiving as the giving of our monetary resources. This woman reminds us that there is more to almsgiving than that. If we are true givers we give all of our energy to the Kingdom of God. We expend ourselves in God’s service. This is true almsgiving.

Fr. Bob Hawkins APRIL 1, 2006

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