Saturday, October 28, 2006

Homilies, Hymns, Hospitality, Holy Eucharist - JULY 24, 2005

A while back I read an article about successful parish communities. The author spoke of qualities that are evident in vibrant parishes. He referred to them as the 4 H’s; homilies, hymns, hospitality and Holy Eucharist. Using these as touchstones I would like to set out on a vision for St. Luke’s parish.

Homilies: I love to preach the word of God. I find it a challenge to apply the word of God to everyday life. It’s important that the word connects to our experience. Paul says in Hebrews: “the word is alive and active, sharper than a two edged sword.” I pledge, along with Fr. Matt, to take the preaching ministry of our church seriously.

Hymns: The old saying, “the one who sings prays twice” is so true. Let us sing a joyful song to the Lord here at St. Luke’s. Vibrant, active participation in the celebrations of the Eucharist is vital to building up the people of God.

Hospitality: Already I can tell you are a hospitable parish. The opening reception of a few weeks back shows you enjoy being together as a community. I look forward to receptions, picnics, and dinners here at St. Luke’s. Let us also greet each other warmly as we gather for worship each week

Holy Eucharist: We are a Eucharistic people who gather to celebrate the real presence of Christ in our midst. Let us allow Christ to do to us what he does to the bread on the altar. May He take us, bless us break us and share us with others.
Fr. Bob Hawkins JULY 24, 2005

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