Saturday, January 06, 2007

Epiphany journey toward God - JANUARY 6, 2007

This feast of Epiphany reminds me that all human beings are on a journey toward God. This God calls us all to a special intimacy with Him. It is out of this intimacy that we sense our connectedness to all human beings. This reality is hard to realize in a world so divided between rich and poor, Shiite and Sunni, Jew and Palestinian, Protestant and Catholic, Hutu and Tutsi. Our world is in desperate search to find solutions to our many divisions. The Epiphany calls us to ponder many questions:

How do we overcome barriers and obstacles to God’s love?

What word can I say that will overcome misunderstanding or alienation?

What gesture can I make to allow another to feel wanted?

What apology can I make to end a rift?

How can I move out beyond my comfort level to reach out to the alienated?

How can God’s love which is beyond borders be translated into my life?

Fr. Bob Hawkins - JANUARY 6, 2007

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