Sunday, March 22, 2009

Where have all the flowers (people) gone? - March 22

Over the past few months I have heard about some great mission givers from different parts of the country. They come with high recommendations from their talks in various parishes. However, I have decided not to invite them here to St. Luke’s. It seems for whatever reason we get poor turn outs for our missions. Certainly the response to Father Joe Paquette (an excellent speaker) was lukewarm at best. Maybe we are over scheduled here in this community. Maybe the winter cold keeps people away. Maybe we already have enough on our plates. I have also noticed some poorly attended weekend liturgies, even in Lent! A number of years ago there was a song “Where have All the Flowers Gone?” Sometimes I think of that song when I wonder where have the people gone. Are we so busy here in Barrington that we have crowded God out of our lives? Perhaps a few “View from the Pew” will get us thinking.
Thank you.
Fr. Bob

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