Saturday, December 12, 2009

Year of Evangelization has begun - Dec 12, 2009

The Year of Evangelization is off to a rousing start. Tonight (Tuesday) the core group will meet to implement several outreach efforts to attract more people to the parish. One new program that will start in the new year will be “Families Helping Families”. Our hope is to create a parish service directory where people could offer their services to the parishioners of St. Luke’s. These services will be either pro bono or a fee for service. As we are all aware, Rhode Island has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. This program will hopefully put our plumbers, electricians, carpenters, accountants, etc. to work. St. Luke’s is a community that attempts to reach out. These indeed are stressful times as people have lost jobs, investment income and, even in some cases, their homes to foreclosure. As you can see, this will potentially be another pro-life activity here in our parish.

Fr. Bob Hawkins

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