Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy New Year -- November 27, 2009

The Church wishes everybody a Happy New Year as we gather for the First Sunday in Advent. Paul in his letter to the Thessalonians greets us by saying, “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love.” During this coming year there will be many invitations for all of us to abound in love. This year the Diocese of Providence calls us to evangelize and to invite others to join us at the table of the Lord. We hope to have listening sessions to hear the concerns of those who are not active in our faith community. Sometimes if people feel listened to and respected they know the are valued by others.

This past Sunday we had our 10th Grades gather at the 11:30 Mass to start their retreat experience. I was so impressed to see our church packed with young people. The contemporary choir added so much spirit to the liturgy. On December 8, following the 7 p.m. Mass, there will be a meeting for those who would be willing to form a core group. This core group would co-ordinate our evangelization efforts. I feel we need at least 20 people if our program is to be effective. I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving. We are absolutely blessed here at St. Luke’s with so many talents and blessing. May we express our thanks to God by caring for His people.

Fr. Bob

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