Saturday, September 29, 2007

Engaged in a delicate dance - Sept 29, 2007

A few weeks back the Saturday religion page had an article entitled “New Orleans Clergy Need Counseling Themselves”. The article highlighted how hard it is at times to give comfort and solace to people in need. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina many ministers find it necessary to seek help themselves. Some ministers have had experiences where they have felt deeply the absence of God. Often they find themselves quoting the words of Jesus from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken Me?”

Indeed to be a minister means you are engaged in a delicate dance. Along with time for others you need to acknowledge your own need for support, rest and intimacy with the Lord and others. More and more when I pray for the sick I also pray for their caregivers that they may not tire in the process. For me, I find support in my love for reading, cooking and music. I’m fortunate to have a few close friends and a supportive family. I write this message today to encourage all of you to get the support you need to flourish in your vocations.
Fr. Bob Hawkins - Sept 29, 2007

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