Last weekend’s Ministry Fair yielded over 80 new people involved in various ministries here at St. Luke’s. A big thank you to Bill Sweeney, Gus Morelli, Tina Peck, Michele Pimentel, Ann Marie Beccue and Ann Molak who make up our stewardship committee. It was also very heartwarming to hear our lay witness talks. This gives stewardship a human face here at St. Luke’s. I am reminded today of the words of Jesus: “To whom much is given, much is expected.” St. Luke’s parish is rich in time, talent and treasure. May we be inspired to use it to build up Christ’s Body here at St. Luke’s.
Fr. Bob Hawkins - October 28, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Where are those Missing Catholics? - October 17 2007
A few months back Church Magazine had an article entitled “Where are those Missing Catholics?” by Peter Feuerherd. For a long time the Church has been talking about evangelization. Simply, this means sharing the message of Jesus in a compelling way. According to the research group CARA, 27 percent of the U.S. population was raised Catholic. Of that group 74 percent are still Catholic. In other words, many Catholics have drifted away and strategies need to be developed to invite them back.
I would like to suggest a few ways here at St. Luke’s for us to be more effective in our outreach. One of the most powerful parts of our Catholic faith is our sacramental life. Every sacramental opportunity is an excellent chance to evangelize. A kind word or an inspired message at key life events, such as marriages and funerals can make an impact. Reaching out to couples bringing their children for baptism is another. Effective parent meetings on the occasion of First Penance and First Eucharist are essential. Developing a RCIA program that can both inform and welcome people inquiring about the faith can also be an effective way to evangelize.
Beyond the sacraments, developing a welcoming environment at the weekend liturgies needs to be examined. So often newcomers say you can walk into church and no one talks to you. Parishioners need to be encouraged to invite people they know to come to church. Personal invitation has proven to be more valuable than other forms of advertising, including newspaper and television ads.
Feuerherd ends his article by saying the following, “Whatever the technique, the sociological experts agree that attracting fallen-away Catholics is not going to happen on its own. They counsel that parishes are content to keep the sacraments and the faith for those who show up at their doors are guaranteed to have lackluster growth of face decline.”
Father Bob Hawkins- October 17 2007
I would like to suggest a few ways here at St. Luke’s for us to be more effective in our outreach. One of the most powerful parts of our Catholic faith is our sacramental life. Every sacramental opportunity is an excellent chance to evangelize. A kind word or an inspired message at key life events, such as marriages and funerals can make an impact. Reaching out to couples bringing their children for baptism is another. Effective parent meetings on the occasion of First Penance and First Eucharist are essential. Developing a RCIA program that can both inform and welcome people inquiring about the faith can also be an effective way to evangelize.
Beyond the sacraments, developing a welcoming environment at the weekend liturgies needs to be examined. So often newcomers say you can walk into church and no one talks to you. Parishioners need to be encouraged to invite people they know to come to church. Personal invitation has proven to be more valuable than other forms of advertising, including newspaper and television ads.
Feuerherd ends his article by saying the following, “Whatever the technique, the sociological experts agree that attracting fallen-away Catholics is not going to happen on its own. They counsel that parishes are content to keep the sacraments and the faith for those who show up at their doors are guaranteed to have lackluster growth of face decline.”
Father Bob Hawkins- October 17 2007